Can A Septiorhinoplasty Be Combined With Custom Facial Implants?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in a septorhinoplasty along with custom facial implants.  The primary motivation is correcting my deviated septum, but I’m also interested in the rhinoplasty aspect to reduce the hump and make the nose a little less projecting.  Initially, I was planning to look into this procedure after the jaw/cheek procedure as it seemed like a lot to take on for one surgery.  But I wanted to get your thoughts/advice if I could. 

A:Combining a septorhinoplasty with custom facial implants can be done and it is not uncommon to do so. Whether one should so or not depends on multiple factors which ultimately comes down to the convenience of one surgery and whether the custom facial implants by their effect may preclude the need for any nose reshaping surgery. The question is not a medical one but a personal choice one.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon