Can A Mini-Tummy Tuck Fix All Of My Abdominal Problems?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am a 33 year-old female with three children, ages 9,7 and 4 years old. My last two deliveries were done by c-section. I love my c-section scar because it is low and very hard to see. I want to get rid of my abdominal pooch, loose skin and a belly button that sticks out. I want a mini tummy tuck because I would like the least scar possible and have it no bigger than my current c-section scar. I also want my muscles tightened because I have that pregnant looking pooch. I really don't want a scar around my belly button. Basically, will a mini tummy tuck accomplish all of my abdominal goals? Is this realistic?

A: The simple answer is no. You are asking out of a mini tummy tuck what a full tummy tuck does. What you want is a full tummy tuck result but only want the scar burden of a mini tummy tuck. I can’t blame you for having a lofty plastic surgery goal but it is not achievable. The reality is that one can not have both and you will have to choose which one of the two tummy tuck choices offers a trade-off that you can live with the best. In essence if the small scar of a mini-tummy tuck is the most important part of having the procedure then the trade-off will be that of incomplete correction, some remaining pooch and residual loose abdominal skin. Trying to keep the scar so small simply limits how much correction you are going to get. If the maximal amount of abdominal correction is what is most important, then the full tummy tuck should be done with the trade-off of a longer and higher final scar. (and a scar around the new belly button as well)

Dr. Barry Eppley
