Brow Bone Augmentation
Q: Dr. Eppley, I’m interested in having brow bone augmentation to give it a deeper and more masculine appearance. I understand that there are various materials available, and I was wondering if you could kindly answer these few questions:
1) Which material would allow for the smallest scar?
2) I understand that custom silicone implants will provide the most dependable results, but will hydroxyapatite (HA) be able to provide a similar augmentation?
3) Which would also have the cheapest overall surgical cost – silicone, HA or PMMA?
4) As I’m leaning towards HA, could you also provide the cost of getting this procedure?
Thank you!
A: When it comes to your questions on brow bone augmentation the answers are as follows:
- A silicone brow bone implant can be placed with the smallest scar. Because of its preformed shape it can be inserted and positioned with a limited incision or endoscopic technique. All other forms of brow bone augmentation (except fat injections) require a wide open scalp incision technique with a long scalp scar.
- Hydroxyapatite can provide a good brow bone augmentation if one can tolerate the coronal incision to have it placed. This is a liquid and powder mixture that must be carefully applied and shaped. To do so requires wide open visibility.
- A preformed silicone implant would provide the most economical approach since it has the shortest operative time to complete.
- I will have my assistant pass along the cost of the different brow bone augmentation procedures to you on Monday.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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