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Eppley Plastic Surgery | Dr. Barry eppley


Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Good afternoon. I would be interested in a skull augmentation and reshaping with the use of scalp expanders. Could you tell me how long I need to keep the expanders on so that the skin can be wide enough for the operation? And what are your prices for this operation, including the […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hi I’m interested in calf implants to straighten my legs . How does the procedure work and any side effects? A: Calf implants make the calf muscles look bigger but I am not aware that would necessarily make the legs look straighter. I would need to see some leg pictures and do […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hello I am interested in getting tricep implant surgery. My main concern and goal is, I need them to be sub-muscular. I see Dr. Barry Eppley does the triceps VIA sub-fascia, would it be possible to get them sub-muscular. Please let me know as soon as possible, thank you. A: Submuscular (on […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I’ve always had a high hairline/large forehead (shown in my attached photo) and have been exploring surgery to lower my hairline. Is this something that you could help with – or perhaps something with hair transplant surgery coupled with hairline lowering? I do use topical minoxidil (I have a little bit of […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley,I would like to schedule a virtual consultation with Dr Eppley to ask about custom implants to fix my deep undereye hollows and lack of midface volume. I would like to hear his solution for my case. A:Thank you for sending your pictures. You have general periorbital rim weakness/flattening which is most manifest […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hello ,a question regarding muscle implants can they be implanted in any visible muscle ? l await Your response Regards A:In theory that would be correct. The only question would be implant pocket location…whether that would be on top of the fascia, subfascial, intramuscular or submuscular. That would depend on the specific […]

Eppley plastic surgery

March 5, 2025

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am trying to improve flat sagging buttocks as an older female?  I’m hoping to get a more full shape with some outward volume as well. Fitting for my size and shape but significantly more than the flat bottom I’ve always had. A:Thank you for sending your buttock pictures. Your buttocks has […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I have a few questions about webbed neck surgery: So if I understand, the posterior approach will slightly straighten the neck? Can you briefly describe what happens during the posterior and how long does the recovery process last? Will it be possible to loosen the trapezius muscles with some physical therapy or […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hi, I underwent a frontal craniotomy due to a brain tumor, and it left a bone dent and a bulging bone part in my forehead.. What options would you recommend for surgery? And would it be possible to give an estimation of the cost? Thank you A:Give that this was from a […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am an adult with what I believe to be scaphocephaly that was untreated as a baby and wish to have it looked upon by a specialist that can help me I would really want this fixed for me and my future. A:In adults I typically treat the long narrow scaphocephalic skull […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am a 28 years old and all my life I had a webbed neck and could not find a solution for it. Two years ago, I did physical therapy for a month, it helped a little bit and my neck got slimmer from the sides, but when I stopped, my neck […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hello Have you ever seen case where jaw implants went through skin 8 months after surgery? Intraoral placement, genioplasty before (10 mm forward 3 mm down), chin implant before all of these. After 2 months skin thinning, later scarring, scar burst, red fluid 5 days now yellow fluid no symptoms, sometimes pain […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I really would like to see what can be done to address my undereye areas bags, perhaps with an orbital rim implant? And then finally my main concern, the upper third of my face, I don’t hate the brow prominence in and of itself however I would like for some way to ease the […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Is it possible to shorten the nose vertically? Most rhinoplasty results I have seen is because the tip is droopy or long. But in my case the bridge bone looks long and my nostril is lower than my tip. I haven’t seen it done but is it possible to cut/reduce the septal […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Could a surgical hairline advancement be safely preformed via an incision at the hairline in the future if I had a behind the hairline coronal incision already made? If it’s possible without a risk of necrosis or tissue ischemia please let me know how long one would have to wait to have […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am writing to you because of my facial asymmetry, especially of the eyes, that I am looking to correct. My right eye is positioned lower than the left one and canthal tilt is more negative. Furthermore, my right eye is more hooded and its superolateral orbital ridge sits lower. While my […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I had Medpor jaw implants in 2012. In comparing the two sides of my face there is a marked ‘bump’ where the implant is. The goal would be to produce smoother jaw line, to the extent possible (compare with the other side of the face). My fingers show the beginning and end […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hello! Do you see out-of-state patients for rib removal surgery? I have a wide waist/rib cage and flared ribs. I’d like waist reduction, but I live in Omaha, NE. How would the process, operation, and post-op work for out of state patients?  A:Thank you for sending your pictures which show two issues […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am wondering if it is possible to reduce the length of the philtrum without increasing the size of the upper lip. I have an 18mm long philtrum combined with already really thick, full lips for a man and I am curious what can be done to shorten the length of it […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Looking to get custom jaw angle implants, I’ve had ~1ml of filler on both of my jaw angles to increase the frontal width/angularity and it looked great. I saw some of your results and i’m liking a lot of them and would like to possibly get surgery done as soon as possible. […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley,  My chin has been growing with time I feel like it might be due to weight gain as well it shrink and grows sometimes slightly with my weight and sleep I have no idea but it’s squishy and I’m always so insecure of it and I was wondering if you have answers […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I would like to augment forehead to achieve a more full symmetrical look, and eliminate the indented like forehead. And also augment my brow bone area for a more subtle masculine look. Also considering an earlobe reduction. A:You are referring to the need for a custom forehead-brow bone implant which can effective […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hi, I’m interested in learning more about procedures to achieve a more youthful and feminine look, particularly in line with Asian beauty standards. I’m currently exploring my options and would love your professional opinion. Some of my concerns include narrow temples and cheekbones, lack of volume in the lower cheeks and hollows, […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I had brow bone reduction a couple years ago via a coronal incision. The surgeon did not reduce the orbital rim on my right side the same as the left (The right side is more prominent). I do not want to go through another coronal approach. Can you fix this through an […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I need forehead surgery as I want a nice large forehead. A:  Based on your picture this is clearly a syndromic forehead shape with a very low hairline and a recessed and flat/concave forehead shape. This needs a significant forehead augmentation which ideally iis done in two stages with a first stage […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, i want my midface to be shorter and closer if possible. My current facial measurement are: brow to chin leght is around 12-13cm, nose is around 5.8cm leght to the tip,face width is around 13.5cm. My desire are to make the face more striking and stronger bones but also shorter. Also I would like […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I just had a sliding genioplasty and I have a contracted lip and a step off. How long after the genioplasty do I have to wait until getting the procedure to fix the shortening of the lip? A: I would wait a full six months to be sure that the initial tightness […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hi, I am a Canadian citizen that is interested in getting rib remouval surgery, which is not possible in my country. Do you accept international clients for your procedures or can you only perform you cosmetic procedures on American citizens? Thank you kindly for your time. A: My practice has patients from […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hello, I’ve been interested in custom jaw implants for a long time and actually had non custom angle implants put in years back and one of them popped off when I yawned which eventually led to a hematoma in my cheek. We ended up just removing them to avoid that happening again […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, hi!! i am a 25 year old female with mild to severe plagiocephaly. my frontal right side of my skull is protruding, along with the occipital right side of my skull being flat. i live in Montana but i am willing to travel to have this part of my skull shaven down […]

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