Am I A Good Candidate for a Vertical Backlift?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I hope this email finds you well, I am hoping to book in for a online consultation with Dr Eppley as I am not in the states so would not be able to visit the office, the procedure I am interested in is the vertical backlift & rib removal, I have a lot of questions and would love to know some more information about the procedure/recovery as a whole as well as knowing if I am a good candidate, I do have loose skin on my back certainly enough to pinch, but I am not a large person by any means so it is not heaps.
Please find images attached to this email in regard to the possible vertical back lift and rib removal, As you can see I am of petite build and healthy weight so no excess fat but just some excess skin as shown clearly in two of the photos.
A: Thank you for sending all of your pictures. What qualifies someone for a vertical backlift is some degree of skin laxity in which its vertical removal down the center of the back provides visiblle waistline improvement. Usually there is a history of weight loss or pregnancy which would account for the skin laxity. Your picture shows some vertical skin laxity which indicates there is enough for removal. Through the vertical skin excision ribs #11 and #12 and some LD muscle could be removed to further the waistline reduction.
In performing the vertical backlift in your case it is important to not carry the iexision lower than the purple line marked in the attached picture as well as not much further superiorly than the braline
Dr. Barry Eppley
World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon.

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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