Q: Dr. Eppley, I am trying to improve flat sagging buttocks as an older female?  I’m hoping to get a more full shape with some outward volume as well. Fitting for my size and shape but significantly more than the flat bottom I’ve always had.

A:Thank you for sending your buttock pictures. Your buttocks has a two-fold tissue issue…lack of volume and lower buttock sag or ptosis. While the volume of implant will certainly be helpful in filling out the upper and mid-buttock areas, and will help pick up loose skin in those areas, it is not going to lift up the lower third of the buttocks or get rid of the lower buttock tissue sag. (see attached diagram) That can only be corrected with a lower buttock excision/tuck/lift. The question in that regard is whether the lower buttock sag excision correction should be done at the same time as the buttock implants. From an efficiency/convenience standpoint yes. But from a recovery/scarring standpoint maybe no??  An issue that merits further discussion.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon